Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ready for the off.

I’m sat in my living room in Riyadh racking my brains as to what I’ve forgotten, but am drawing a blank. I really hope whatever I’m not got can be easily be picked up at Gatwick or in Morocco. I’ve set the admin in place with Michelle and my Mum to get my sole daily race email published on my blog and the distribution through Facebook sorted. I now have to hope that Liton turns up at 2315hrs to pick me up, and that BMI decide to randomly upgrade me to first class so that I can actually get some sleep on the flight. I also have to hope that the UK weather allows us to land at Heathrow, though it would be top luck if we had to get diverted to Gatwick!
I had an update from Jim’s Mum Tricia, who is on the Trust Board; the confirmed donations are up to over £5,100. There has been a surge in donations over the last few days, mostly from my extremely generous colleagues at SANGCOM. I’m hoping that the race is sufficiently painful enough that my blog posts will urge readers to donate in large quantities.
Just remembered my shamag!!! I’d remembered and forgotten that about 4 times today. Wish me luck people. Thank you for your support so far. Chris C – I’ll probably want to kill you when I get back, but wish you were coming with me, I can’t wait to meet your baby boy who will probably have made an appearance by the time I am back in KSA. Jim Philippson; this is for you buddy.

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