Tuesday, April 10, 2012


This light dust storm was pretty normal for the afternoons throughout the race
Day 3 - 35k - 5h05

So I was supposed to be taking it easy in prep for tomorrow's double marathon, but I had a real boost of morale, either from the MP3 player, the slightly overcast weather, or from getting ahead of Dave S for a while with some great route selection. Only came in 255 for the day, but I felt great and in a good place mentally for tomorrow. The new bivvy is just as dusty as the last and I got showered in dust with every gust last night; good job I haven't bothered washing since leaving the hotel!

Everyone from the tent was in quick today, so the combination of morale and nervousness should make for an entertaining night. Everyone is getting on well and I'm sure we'll all remain in contact after the race.

Some runners are suffering with their food selection, and I'm feeling a bit sickly with all the fluids. Luckily I have plenty of snacks for tomorrow, and won't need to drink so much once the sun drops. I need to sleep well tonight and take my time for 80k! 
Adam - morale


  1. Keep going airborne, hope all goes well.


  2. Hats off to anyone who is willing to GET OFF their bum and do something that they believe in. Something for others. Very cool :D Great job Ian! :D :D

  3. Ian, great effort mate. All for a good cause and an experience you'll cherish forever. Chris C

  4. Ian, good on you. Today must have been tough. Hope it goes well for the rest of the challenge. Adrian C-B

  5. Excellent going Ian, awesome. best of luck for the next leg. Barry H

  6. Ian,
    It's only pain - keep going.
    Jim Pressly
