Thursday, April 12, 2012

Days 4 and 5 - 80km completed

Michelle here again. No word from Ian in the last 48 hours but info from the mds website shows he has completed the double marathon stage. Not only has he completed it but it was in a fantastic time of 15 hours! That means he reached the overnight bivvie just before midnight and has had the whole day today to rest and recharge. Hopefully he is ok and not suffering because of the amazing time.

Ian's training partner Iain is as speedy as predicted finishing in 28th place yesterday!!! The other news story from Morroco is that the leading athlete Rachid El Morabity had to set off his distress flares 1km from the end of the double marathon stage. Apparently suffering severe pains in his thigh he had to be 'rescued' by the medical team and has been re-patriated today for surgery to 'an important lesion on the quadriceps muscle'. How gutted must he be! If you were going to get injured surely 1km from the end of the 80km stage is the worst place!!

Only 2 more stages to go - 42km tomorrow and 15km on Saturday. I have asked Ian what his predicted time for the 15km stage will be so we can have a vague idea of the time he might cross the finish line on Sat - I for one will be glued to the webcam.

Ian's email:

At the top of a long climb after which I slalomed down this massive sand bank
The aforementioned sand bank - overtook about 40 racers coming down it
Stage 4 - 81.5k placed 259 - 223 overall.

Utter shocker! Today (yesterday) was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Most of the route was dunes or sand and seemed to be endless. I didn't waste any time at the CPs and cracked straight on. My feet suffered and I've had to visit the Doc's today for some iodine injections and minor operations! Hopefully will be able to walk, if not run tomorrow; not expecting to hold my race position!

The wait for the Doc was made more painful by the thunder storm that washed out the waiting tent and practically blew it down! Trying to navigate camp at a slow hobble has made today painfully slow and ceasing up happens after onlya few moments in place.

Loving the emails thanks, only get this one/day to reply. Can't wait to see you all and gob off endlessly about it!

Full marathon tomorrow, then just 18k to finish. Dave S climbing into top 100, Ian G is 36 after finishing 24th yesterday - Amazing!

The moment that felt as though it would never arrive, I could see the light for about an hour before reaching the line.

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