Thursday, October 27, 2011

Marathon Distance Achieved

If last week’s endurance effort was sponsored by ‘snot’, this week was most certainly sponsored by ‘blood’! A small nose bleed was caused by clearing a partial blockage of my right nostril (picking my nose!). Then after about 30km I realised that I had begun to lactate haemoglobin! I also had painful rubs under my left arm from my mp3 player’s strap and a few hot-spots around my groin from my cycling shorts. Needless to say; I will be buying a dirty great big pot of Vaseline!
I covered the 42.2km in 4hrs 3mins. I completed the first half marathon in 1hr 53mins, but as soon as the sun was up; it sapped my speed (speed seems like the wrong to use there, maybe ‘slowed me further’ would be more accurate!). I did not do any press-ups or squats this week; I did pause every few km though to stretch off. I felt a lot better than last week and drank less water. I got through 5 bottles totalling 3.3L as well as a can of Pepsi and a can of Pocari Sweat (a sports drink with sugars and salts).
Chris got back from leave this week and we really need to get onto paying our deposits for the race. We’re in a bit of a catch 22 situation, as Chris needs some assurance that we will be able to recover the entry, travel and equipment cost through sponsorship (which I’m taking the lead on), but I’m not keen to start fund raising until we have places in MDS12 confirm, as I don’t believe potential sponsors will take us seriously until we have confirmed slots in the race. More discussion to be had on this next week, which will be the deadline, as I’ll be off on leave for 2 weeks from then! I’ll keep you posted (not that anyone’s reading this, as I am not promoting it until we have the race places1).

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