Sunday, October 23, 2011

First Marathon Distance (Nearly!)

After the Wahba Crater run last weekend, I thought I'd better get out and do a decent distance this weekend, as the terrain would be the nice easy tarmac and concrete of the compound. I set out to complete 20km at no real pace and stopped every few hundred metres to do some press-ups or squats. I slowed to chat a couple of times as I saw friends playing golf or out walking with their babies, but basically plodded on and got to 20km quite easily. I decided to set my sights on 30km, which came and went with little pain; so turned my attention to finishing a marathon distance. Not being too hot on my metrics - I thought 26.2 miles plus 50% = 39.3km? apparantly not. 42.195km would have done it, so I'll have to try again this weekend!
Indications are good though; no injuries sustained from a near marathon, but hellish lactic burns for the next few days, and trying to dance at the McDermott's 25th Anniversary the same night was a killer. 3 days on and I'm feeling good and managed 75 minutes on the exercise bike tonight whilst watching most of the Manchester derby and seeing man U get hooped by City 1-6!
I visited the British Embassy last night to brief the Riyadh Group of British Businesses on my team's half marathon event, which takes place in February. The response was astounding, which is hugely encouraging for when I begin sponsor collecting for the MDS. Chris is a bit nervous about paying the deposit and then getting stiffed with the balance if we don't raise the money, but I'm sure we can more than meet the cost and raise a good bit for our charities.

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