Saturday, March 31, 2012

My Legendary Supporters!

Arizona ResidentsDan KleckerJ Swinglehurst
TraksbakChris CarmichaelChris Vallis
KaplanR ByrneJohn Bennett
BRIG D A HARGREAVESRichard O'sullivanDale Nunn
Julie, Dave & Heidi SkuceDR G C MITCHELLLina Eid
Hamza KuraishiCarl Shead£4557.78
anonymousSelina Austin
Adrian WilliamsD Wilson
Robert LydonJames W Pressly
Owen FinnieStephen Brennan
Susan & Al CareyAdrian Campbell-Black
Al & Elana McDermottFred Matthews
Chris FlanneryShayne Jackson
Dave DisiCraig W Pond-Barrett
Matt WinnStuart Birkwood
John RobertsonSuzanne Longson
Samuel McElreaveyPeter Lewis
Robert J MurrayEmad
Paul TolleyIan & Rosie Orr
Peter BushFeet First
Christopher WattersPauline Harris
Sue & Al CareyDamian Austin
Debbie EdgarChris Fogarty
Sarah PlattDavid Hardy
Rachael ChallinerM Richardson
John ForsterJim Hardy
J ClarkeDaniel Walker
Mr C F HintonMF Rowlinson
Michelle L CareySally Baker

To maintain people's modesty; I have omitted individual donation amounts, but in recognition of the extremely generous; I have awarded Gold Silver and Bronze status to the biggest donors and sponsors. I am humbled by your generosity and hope to see more and more in the days running up to the event and hope that the blog posts I send from the race will motivate many more.

If you haven't already made a donation; please take the opportunity to click the donate button at the top right of the page and fill out the form with your credit card or Paypal details. There is an option at the foot of the form to support a particular event; choose either of the two that relate to my challenge.

If you've done your bit already or you want to do more; please forward the web address for this page to all of your email contacts and social networking 'friends' and give them some encouragement to donate too. Also if you work for a big company or know anyone big in business; send the details their way and see if you can net me some corporate love!

I also have outstanding collections from the employees of GMC in Haverhill, the wider Carey family in Harrogate, and the Riyadh Caledonian Society, which will send me over £5,000. I am also working in conjunction with 'The One-O-Four' restaurant in Yarm to put on a benefit event on 10 June, which should raise another £2,500 - details to follow.

Many thanks again to everyone that has given so far. This means a lot to Jim's friends and family as well as to me.

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