Monday, February 13, 2012

SANGCOM Half Marathon & Fun Run

Ready for the off

Close in for a brief
After giving the poorly knee a rest, sticking to the exercise bike and some circuits for a couple of weeks, I decided to make my comeback at the SANGCOM Half Marathon & Fun Run. As the event organiser; it was a 50/50 decision whether I would be running or administrating in the first place, but the knee injury had me erring on the side of caution. On the day pride took over, and I couldn’t resist participating. I had to stand by my decision not to run any more without weight, so I took my pack with the intention of taking it easy, but bloody Peter Bush kept me honest for the first 3 laps!
HRM record from my Polar watch; unhealthily high!
With over 200 runners and walkers taking part and with leaflets advertising my entry into the MdS for each of them; it was a marketing opportunity not to be missed, so that part of me that thought it was a sensible idea to retire at the end of each of the first 5 laps was given a firm slap in the face and I cracked on to completion in 2hrs 00mins 28secs. Try as I might; I couldn’t break the 2 hour mark, but I sliced 5 minutes off my previous best 13.1 miles with weight. Temperature on the day was up to 30 degrees celcius by the end of the race. Conditions are slowly building up, which is the perfect way to get ready for the Sahara in April.
Carrefour were good enough to provide food and drink at the finish line and as finishers and spectators moved through to the presentation area by the gorgeous swimming pool, there was a barbeque provided and 2 fantastic bands to keep them all entertained until the prizes were awarded and raffle was drawn.
The whole day was hailed as a big success, making over £12,000 to be split between Disabled Saudi Children, the Army Benevolent Fund and Help For Heroes. Corporate sponsorship was responsible for most of the funds (see our donating superstars at, but other money was raised with entry fees and the sale of raffle tickets. The prizes were pretty impressive with nasair and British Airways flight tickets, a 42” TV donated by Harris, and meal vouchers for the Sheraton and Al Khozama hotels in Riyadh.
My knee and quads have been a bit stiff since, but that’s mostly due to having not run for a while. I’m feeling good after a tough leg weights workout this afternoon and I’m feeling excited about getting out on legs again tomorrow before work. I need to come up with a plan for training back in the UK next week, as temperatures in minus figures and slippery roads are not the best method of preparation for this race! Maybe it’s time to ask some of the UK based competitors for some advice. I’m thinking the frosty long grassed slopes on Simon’s farm could be good for simulating the dunes’, if not the temperature.


  1. You are such a good organiser, you did it very well. :)


  2. Well done Ian, so glad your knee held out ok. It's warming up in England now......+4 degrees today!!!


  3. Good on you mate. Keep it up, but listen to the side of you that says you need to rest every now and then.
